Viral Marketing - Contest Burner Online Contest Software


"We weren't expecting anything like this to happen. Over 51,000 pages were indexed on Google just from the contest. A bunch of press releases which was nuts and bunch more sales which is obviously the best part. And it was a lot of fun!

"...Your contest blew me away and it's definitely turned Mobile Monopoly into a viral thing which we weren't planning on having after the launch..."

"Thank you so much for making Contest Burner and making it as cool as you did. Without Contest Burner, I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today and there's no way I could be in Costa Rica right now.

"...And there's no way that I would ever launch another site without Contest Burner by my side because it is the easiest source of free traffic for me. It just grows virally, it's the easiest!"

"I recently launched a book launch and used Bill Mcintosh's Contest Burner software to really launch my book in a whole new way and I'm very excited about it. It went so fantastically!

"I came across Bill's software and was just instantly excited about it! So I got the product, installed it within minutes, configured it and had it up and running in a very very short period of time. I used it to launch this contest in conjunction with my product launch. It brought in thousands of people who never had heard of my book."

"By using this software, I was able to generate over 200 extra leads just by using this piece of viral software. And it didn't take me any more effort or any time to do it. I just installed this little script onto my blog and I've got 200 extra leads in a very short space of time. And it's free traffic. I didn't have to pay for it.

"I definitely recommend, if you want to get viral traffic and build your list bigger and make more money, then I recommend definitely getting Contest Burner because it's a really really cool piece of software and no one else has this. This is the only place you can find it."

"Within 3 short weeks, I went from a ranking of 300,000 plus to 97,000 in Alexa. Along the way, I built a nice little list of over 1,000 people, which was truly amazing! I saw results like I've never saw before.

"And the really cool part about it was that my website went viral. It went into places that I didn't even know existed. So this is the software that is very powerful and I highly recommend it to anybody. So Bill thank you very much for bringing this up to me!"

"We personally used it in a launch that we recently executed. And we did a 7 figure launch, over a million dollars. And I owe a lot of that to Contest Burner because it helped us build buzz using Facebook, it generates 600 YouTube videos by 600 different people. it built Twitter buzz, it built blogging comment buzz. We ended up with over 3,500 comments and that creates social proof which will help sell your product."

"I was able to increase my subscribers by about 10x to the point where my blog now, with every post that's put out there, I get 20-30 comments, so it's gotten pretty popular as a result of Contest Burner.

"Secondly, we've used it on a major launch of a product called the Epic Traffic Systems. The interesting thing with that is we got over 18,000 comments because of the viral nature of the launch combined with Contest Burner. It was an amazing success! ...Contest Burner has worked extraordinarily well and I recommend you pick it up."

"At least 3,000 of those people that joined this site before launch were a DIRECT result of Bill's Contest Burner! This thing is Awesome! And I mean I was using it when it was in beta. He's even added a whole bunch more things from suggestions. This thing is just incredible.

"I can't say enough about it. I've used it. It works. It's added tons of revenue to my bottom line & it really is a fun way to attract people to promote your website & just make it go viral..."

"I recently used your Contest Burner tool and I've got to tell you that this is a great viral tool that's awesome at driving targeted traffic. I almost got 3,000 extra visitors in a week just from using this tool and I'm confident that I added over a thousand new subscribers to my list just by using Contest Burner. So if you're reading this page now, go to the order button and get it. This is very important."

"A couple years ago we developed some software that created viral report building and we thought we had it figured out back then, but when I saw Contest Burner, I was blown away!

"I would highly recommend this to anyone who's doing any kind of launch, any kind of perpetual launch, any kind of membership site, continuity revenue, you're going to want that steady stream of traffic coming in and you can theoretically run contests ongoing and totally offset the cost of whatever prizes you use by the increased traffic. It really has gone viral. And I just want to thank you for all the help you gave us."

Imagine waking up to 2,600 new subscribers... 1,800 new back-links to your site... 12 new YouTube Videos promoting your product... 3 new press releases promoting your product... 220 new Facebook posts about you and 14 new articles submitted... (All promoting YOUR PRODUCT!)

Yes indeed, this is EXACTLY why everyone is so excited about "Contest Burner" --- even newbies!

In fact... what if I told you this is already happening all around you, and many other marketers are already using this program with Great Success?!? Many are already raving fans of this product... and of course, most of the top level marketers are swarming all over "Contest Burner"!

And, there's a mountain of proof already... (case studies out the wazoo)... and loads of gurus are jumping on "contest burner" and asking to use it RIGHT NOW!

Look — the proof is in the pudding and this is a guaranteed slam dunk for you! Seriously.

For reasons you'll understand in just a moment, this very well could be the golden key to exploding your list, traffic and revenue for much less out-of-pocket money than ever before!

What if you could get "Contest Burner" and have traffic flooding your site almost overnight? You're about to see exactly how to do that, keep reading...

If you've had a tough time generating traffic... or subscribers... or getting buzz in the social networks, then you should read every line and every word of this page, because those problems could be gone in a click!

I'm not here to brag, that's not my style, but it is critical you understand the man behind this product. For the past 14 years, I've mostly been behind the scenes (underground) doing my own thing.

I've been able to generate over 20 million dollars online and I've built multiple lists with over 1,000,000 (Million) people on them. I'm quite certain I'm qualified to talk about list building and the "Power" a responsive list can provide you!

"Any means necessary" — That's what I tell people. I'd say, "By any means necessary, build a list right now!" It's that important!

However, for most people out there, that list is ELUSIVE and hard to get. THE LIST hides from them, it's hard to create, where do you start? what comes first, the chicken or the egg? How do you get the traffic without investing a fortune in paid traffic? How do you get people to promote if you don't have a list already?

You know this. You've been through this. You understand how difficult it has been to get a list started, much less build a big enough list to make a financial dent in your bank account, right?

AND... once you have a list, how do you engage the subscribers??

Most every marketer knows (they've been told a Million times) they need to build a list. However, the clocks ticks by and the weeks turn into months and months turn into years and STILL there's no list!

Because you see, for the average marketer out there, it's impossible to make-it to every offline event scheduled... impossible to build hundreds of key contacts... hard as heck to pay for traffic... and the list of challenges goes on and on!

Well, I'm here to tell you there's a NEW WAY to build that list (and much more!) quite easily by using "Contest Burner"!

With Contest Burner, your visitors will "happily" spread the word about your site all over the web. They'll get engaged with your message... and become raving fans!

In fact, they'll tell everyone about how great you (or your product) is and they'll recruit people (influence them) to visit your site!

When you "incentivize" these actions... by offering prizes... it instantly turns passive browsers into ACTIVE PROMOTERS of your site! It's already proven... your visitors will:

What makes "Contest Burner" so powerful is simple... it automatically brings you traffic, action, buzz, branding, a list and more! It engages the market and it "rises you" above the noise!

By far, the number one problem marketers have is traffic. Well, kiss that problem goodbye!

Listen, we've all been there. It does not matter what level you are at right now, if you are a serious marketer and willing to invest in your goals, you already understand how hard it can be to build a big responsive list!

Many experts say it's easy. It is not easy. It's hard. Hard as heck.

Well, with "Contest Burner" it's about to get a lot easier, guaranteed!

Look, most people fail at building a list for many years. They fail because of the incredible amount of persistence and stubbornness it takes to master paid traffic or SEO.

Most people are not going to travel to tons of seminars and build countless friends who can promote for them either. It's costly, time consuming, frustrating and tiresome to build a list using traditional methods.

The reason marketers achieve a big responsive list is because they are more than determined... and they put a lot of skin in the game by investing in traffic, seminars, SEO services, assistants and so on.

But believe me, there's nothing wrong with spending that kind of money and time building your business... I've done it for 13 or so years myself!

However, it's critical to realize, there's an easier way!

We are talking about:

And, I know those are things you want a lot more of (Time & Money & Less Frustration!)

That's why I created "Contest Burner" in the first place -- to save myself time, money, energy and frustration. Look, I'm always looking for automated tools to free up time and resources. That's what technology is all about.

And, when I searched for something like "Contest Burner" out there, there was nothing to be found. I had to create it! I had to put in my own "dream team" programmers to make this a reality so I could use it myself!

For years, I've created tools to save me time and money, and "Contest Burner" is no different. It was a tool I created to expand my business. However... I even shocked myself at the results this program created!

No wonder the big fortune 500 companies use contests! Pepsi, Coke, McDonalds — they all use contests for a reason!

You see, when you run contests using this program, you'll instantly realize people are MUCH MORE engaged with what you are doing... much more responsive... much more active... and much more profitable!

Read below what I'm about to tell you a few times:

The tests show... the open rates are through the roof! And for good reason... it's obvious why... people are engaged and they want to know IF THEY WON any prizes or what the next move is!

(Did you not peel off the little sticker thing on the McDonalds cup to see if you won? Did you not look under the Coke bottle cap to see what you won?)

It's called "engagement" and it works like a charm! It's a beautiful thing and it can skyrocket your entire business!

You are warming up your lists and the traffic and the ENTIRE MARKETPLACE to you... to your brand... and to your products and services...

Look — it did not take me very long to realize "BRANDING" is the best converter there is. I mean, if you are branded to your list or your marketplace, earning cash is a fricken breeze!

It makes sense too...

There's so much NOISE out there... So much Advertising bombarding us... so many options and directions to go... so many products and competitors and so much skepticism out there... those who are BRANDED win!

AND... those who are branded make a lot of money... a lot easier too!

Think about it, we buy from those we Know... Like... and Trust. If you engage your list or marketplace and warm them up to you and your products, conversions are a piece of cake.

However... if your list or market does not know you and you are just fitting in with the rest of the noise, not standing out, not engaging them, it's hard to convert.

Well, with "Contest Burner" they are checking your emails... they are seeing your name everywhere... they are watching your videos... they are posting about you... they are spreading the word about you... they are branding you for you.

Catch that last part? Let me say it again, but much louder because it's that critically important:

They are easily doing this to win prizes... and you are raking it in with a smile from ear to ear! You are getting BRANDED barely lifting a finger.

How Powerful is that?

Look, it goes something like this...

Visitors enter your contests to earn points and they do the things you want them to do. You could give them 100 points to post about your product on Facebook.


I created this program to drive more traffic for my own products and services! I had to create it because there was nothing out there.

Then, I let a few of my good marketing friends use this on their launches. They were blown away!

Next, they spread the word to other marketing friends, who ended up coming to me requesting to use "Contest Burner" too. Then, the natural next step was to let more of the market in on the big secret program everyone is now raving about...

Now, it's your chance to use this program for your own success. It's your chance to put this to good use and change your financial life for the better. No joke.

Contests have been around for generations. Shoot, it dates back to the Olympics in Rome! Even fortune 500 companies run contests, and now you can too!

With "Contest Burner"... you barely lift a finger.

First off, Contest Burner is a patent pending software program that plugs in easily with WordPress OR ANY SITE! I know that is music to your ears. I mean, the easier something is to set up and use, the better!

That's why my dream-team of programmers have made this as EASY-To-Use as can be! Anyone can set this baby up and be running in no time flat!

Next, I need to tell you how powerful this program is.

It's huge! It comes with tons of features and capabilities. (more on those in a second, keep reading...)

In a nutshell, with Contest Burner, you can conduct massive contests. These contests can get tons of people participating. It is virtually UNLIMITED What they will do to earn prizes or win the contest.

You can have an army of people out there doing all sorts of things promoting your business. For example, you can have...

With an army of people participating in your contest, you'll quickly have a ton of people out there driving traffic to your site or contest!

All of that is EXTREMELY POWERFUL for generating Cash-Flow!

However, there is still one hugely powerful benefit you need to know about...and this one huge benefit is a game changer.

You could realistically start with just a very small group of people in your contest. That tiny group could be all you need to initiate that "snowball effect" that sparks a "viral storm" of traffic, leads and income!

You see, since Contest Burner is viral (and multi-tiered) it does not take much to spark that viral phenomena!

For marketers like us, this "viral effect" is just monumental!

One viral storm can change your entire financial life if done right! We've all seen that happen before!

Imagine having 100 people as participants in your contest... those 100 people do things to earn points (prizes) such as: Post on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, submit press releases, run ads, refer people, and so on...

Well, those 100 people are out there posting tiny billboards all over Internet-land, and thousands of others will see the posts. All of the posts push more visitors to come join your contest.

100 people can quickly refer 1000 people. Those 1000 people can quickly refer 4000 people and the snowball effect begins!

For you, well, that's cash.

All those people are doing more and more things to earn prizes/points. It grows and grows, and so does your: List... Traffic... Buzz... Branding... and CASH!

Is that smoking hot awesome or what?

Here's how it works... When your participants sign up to your contest, with the click of a button, your system automatically gains access to their Facebook, Twitter, etc accounts to auto-post for them!

For example, Bob signs up for your contest. He clicks the auto-post button (to earn points of course)... and presto! Your contest will make absolute sure to post on Bob's Facebook wall.

Then, Bob is talking with a friend and the friend says, "hey, what's that contest thing you posted on your Facebook Wall?"

That's automation at it's finest!

Heck, let the system do all the world. That's what technology is all about... that's why we have computers... so they can do the hard work for us.

I don't know about you... but wow, how incredible can you get? This system does the work for you... AND FOR YOU PARTICIPANTS!

Imagine waking up in the morning and getting all that buzz... all that attention... all that branding... all that traffic... and all that EXPOSURE!

We are talking about the essence of marketing here. It's the lifeblood of marketing. It's the ultimate tool for marketing. Think about it. What is marketing to you? What does that word "marketing" mean to you?

If you examine the word "marketing"... the definition of "marketing" sounds like a definition for "running contests". It's the ultimate marketing machine and Contest Burner comes locked and loaded, tested and proven, guaranteed and ready... right here and right now!

Buzz creates word of mouth. It creates "top of mind awareness". It creates a buying emotion in a marketplace. It's like walking up to a giant bee hive and smacking it with a stick (people go nuts).

This is by far one of the very best Buzz Generating programs you've ever seen. Imagine hundreds or even thousands of people out there posting, taking action and building an avalanche of buzz and talk in your market!

This is one of the major tactics of the titan marketers! They create buzz any means necessary. Buzz puts the spotlight on YOU and YOUR business! Buzz gets attention and stirs up "conversation".

It creates word-of-mouth, and that word-of-mouth power can bring you a small fortune very quickly! You want buzz, you need buzz and this will do it for you!

You don't have to have your own products to run contests. You can continue to remain an affiliate marketer and utilize Contest Burner to drive tidal waves of traffic to your offers or list!

Ask any super affiliate and they'll tell you that even though they are an affiliate marketer, they still build lists! Building a list is the ultimate passive income. A responsive list is money on demand!

Because you see, as an affiliate marketer, you can strike up a contest and STILL get floods of back-links, tons of leads, mountains worth of traffic and can earn yourself a fortune (even promoting other people's products)

If that does not get you excited, check your pulse!

The possibilities are endless.

Imagine striking a group contest where you and a few others all join together and launch a massive contest flooding your market with buzz! Imagine one of the point earning tasks are to go opt in somewhere free and earn points for doing so (that would build a list).

Imagine using Contest Burner for MLM programs to get a huge down-line (if you're into MLM). Imagine using Contest Burner for offline business!

What if you took an offline business and ran a contest using Contest Burner? You'd crush it in a local market! It would be "game over" for that small businesses' competition.

Their competition would not know what hit them!

If you are an offline marketing consultant — providing Internet Marketing services to small businesses, you just hit the jackpot. Seriously

You could take one client and clean house. Then, use that case study to absolutely rake it in with other clients of yours. Imagine all the back-links and YouTube videos and Facebook posts locally!

Heck, even if you are not an offline marketing consultant, you might think of becoming one now! No joke

Imagine your offline-small-business-client getting ranked all over the place, with posts, blogs, comments, press releases, YouTube videos, articles, buzz, etc! How hugely powerful is that?

The sky is the limit with Contest Burner, it really is!

More and more traffic!!!

Ok, we have not even scratched the surface here.

I mean, there are so many different benefits, features and possibilities with Contest Burner I'm almost afraid to overwhelm you with opportunities.

Look — once you "get it" and truly see the opportunities here with this program, you'll see dollar signs everywhere with Contest Burner. It's endless. It's huge.

It's a "must have" tool and the only reason you have not scrolled down and bought already is because you still have not "got it" yet.

That's ok, it happens.

Sometimes you get hit with so many "thoughts and possibilities" that you get caught up in the ideas and lose track of what this actually is... and what it actually does. No worries, let's cover that now, ok?

With contest burner, you run a contest that gives away prizes to people for earning points. People go out there and do things for you. They post on Facebook for you (easy stuff). They do these things because they want to win an IPad or Amazon gift certificate.

They go out there and post articles, and shoot videos to win prizes! They see their names on the leader-board. They get recognition. They win. People love to win things. They love getting prizes shipped to them.

People go out there on the Internet and spread the word FOR YOU. This generates buzz in the marketplace. These people build a list for you. They build back-links for you. They get credibility out on the market for you. The generate proof for you. the make comments for you. They get you ranked (for you).

Meanwhile — back at base camp — you are raking in tons of leads, getting massive traffic and making a bundle of money! Your list is exploding and you feel like you are in the center of the universe, as the spot light gets placed directly on YOU and YOUR business.

It's practically endless!

With your purchase of Contest Burner, it comes with one years license to one site. However, there are options for multiple domains.

I've heard many times — that having a big responsive list can be money on demand for marketers. I agree with that statement many of our experts preach!

Having a list gives you an incredible opportunity to make money any given day. With a list set up, you can promote your own products or affiliate offers... all earning you money!

Contest Burner is already proven many times over. It has already helped people build lists, get buzz and drive traffic. A list... buzz in the market... traffic... all equal money!

But, more than money, what about your time and energy? Sure, Contest Burner can save you a ton of time... and of course it can save you loads of frustration and wasted energy... but it can also save you untold amounts of money!

I'm talking about Saving Money... not just making it!

Contest Burner costs nowhere near that, and can generate traffic for a long time to come. All those posts out there your participants make... all those press releases or articles they submit... all those blogs they create... all those YouTube videos remain there... like billboards all across the Internet... continuing to drive traffic and leads to your offers.

If you've read this far, I'm quite certain you are NOW seeing the dollar signs. You're now starting to see countless opportunities for using this program to generate cash-flow.

Here's some quick snippets of ideas for using Contest Burner:

The sky is really the limit on all the possibilities for using Contest Burner to succeed!

Any serious marketer would see this as a golden opportunity and the only reason I would suspect someone would miss out is because they just don't get it yet. They are either A) not seeing this for what it actually is or B) they are just not at all serious about their business.

If they are not serious about their business, they would not have even read this far most likely, so I can only assume you are on board and ready to get your hands on this opportunity!


To get your hands on this program (that could change your financial life) it's going to run you about the cost of a nice dinner for two and some drinks. That's it!

Well, it is certainly worth a ton more than I'm charging for it, that's for sure. But, I want to provide ambitious Internet Marketers with a program that is A) extremely affordable where anyone can afford it and B) help ambitious marketers change their financial lives!

I created Contest Burner for myself... for my in-house business! I'm a list builder and have built multiple list of 1,000,000 or more people on them. I created this to drive traffic, to create buzz, to build lists and to drive up revenue even higher.

I understand clearly, from 13 or so years of Internet Marketing, the key to success is "eye balls". You want to be where the eye balls are currently at. You want to cut through the smoke and get to the customers. You want to get as many "customers" on your lists. And, you want to drive cash flow through traffic!

This requires tools. We live in a digital age where tools can change the way we do business. We live in a world where swarms of people flock to certain places (like Facebook and YouTube, etc) and being able to tap into those swarms of people can trump just about any other form of advertising there is.

With Contest Burner, you can be smack in the middle of those swarms of customers. You can have those swarms of customers flooding your contests and sites. You can use this tool, this incredible tool, to fuel your income!

Frankly, I'm proud of Contest Burner and excited to witness the success people have already had with it! I'm excited to see YOU have massive success with it too. I want people to have more life and more income, and I know this tool works like a charm.

Therefore, I have made it low cost, so anyone can afford it! I could easily charge 10 times what I'm charging for it! No joke! So, you will absolutely kick yourself if you miss out on this low price. Top marketers have been yelling at me to raise the price, so jump on this now!

For taking smart action right now, you get the entire Contest Burner program for a super low price that's absolutely ridiculous considering what you get!

Think about this though... not only am I providing you with a top shelf program that can change your life for a low-low price, I'm also providing you with a MEGA-BONUS to attend a live event FREE.

Why so much for so less?

Because it's over-delivering to the point of dizziness! I've learned as a marketer AND as a customer, there's a huge shortage of value in this market. With this offer here, and the bonuses provided, not only is there a surplus of value here, but there's a sickening amount of opportunity!

I have removed all the barriers for people, killed all the excuses, and it's time anyone and everyone has an opportunity to succeed quickly!

Yes Bill, I Will Take Contest Burner (Including the bonuses) Right Now!

I Am Ready! Let's Get Contest Burner Rocking!

I'll see you inside the program and thanks so much for buying Contest Burner. I cant wait to witness your success!

PS - The only thing standing in between you and six figures could simply be A LIST! Isn't it time you start or grow your list?!?

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© 2008-2019 Contest Burner | All rights reserved. Patent Pending. Unauthorized duplication or publication of any materials from this site is expressly prohibited.

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Viral Marketing - Contest Burner Online Contest Software is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.