Christine Clayfield Drop Shipping and eCommerce eBook


I'll show you how you can build your new business even if you know
nothing about Drop Shipping or eCommerce using my proven Drop Shipping and
eCommerce Blueprint -- it's the EXACT same Blueprint I use every day to
build my own Drop Shipping and eCommmerce Websites and source
my own products to sell!

Dear Future Business

If you're looking for more information
on building your own Drop Shipping and eCommerce website then you're on the right web page.
So grab a cup of coffee or a cold drink from the refrigerator and
spend the next few minutes with me... this will be worthwhile for you,
I promise!
I can show you my proven blueprint using tried and true methods
from my own personal experience building over 16 online Drop Shipping
Websites -- to build your own Drop Shipping and
eCommerce Business.
What I am about to share with you, is a home based business you can run from the privacy of your home using a
proven drop shipping system.

When you read on you'll discover:

I'll be talking about all the 'need to know' terminology, methods and
expertise you'll need to build your own online drop shipping store.

'll cover in great detail: setting up your store design and hosting,
how to source and list products, figure out margins, shipping costs and
pricing, setting up payment processing and security, getting traffic to
your store to get sales, processing the sales, etc. 
I'll even cover customer service tips on handling returns and refunds.

I cover all the items new and even experienced Drop Shipper's need
to know like:

So whether you need some extra cash to pay a few bills or want to
earn some
money running a Drop Shipping or eCommerce Business
from your home this will work for you. But be aware that this blueprint is definitely NOT a "get rich quick scheme"!

Because, if you are willing to read and follow instructions,
and know what mistakes to avoid , find out how to do the
right steps in the right order and source
high quality products which are in demand can sell
those products for a profit.

Drop Shipping Stores
Are Easy To Create If

An Expert Drop
Shipper Shows You How!

Aspiring Drop Shipping Business Owners (especially
newbies) have contacted me over the years to find out how I build my
online Drop Shipping Stores.

Because so many people wanted this critical information,
I finally decided to share my proven Drop Shipping secrets in a
comprehensive Drop Shipping Blueprint. This Blueprint is bursting
with details about my drop shipping expertise. So know
ahead of time, it is very detailed and it does cover everything you'll
need to know to build your own drop shipping sites as well as how to
deal with everyday customer service problems and what to do about returns and

But how do you know for sure I know what I am talking
about and it is worth your time to listen to me?

I always like to prove what I say, so here's my income proof
right on this page.

Below you see two screenshots from
Streamline - My Merchant Account or the company I use to charge people’s
credit cards.

I’m talking about real results with real products sales like this:

Just look at the totals and see how with your
investment of time and using the knowledge you'll gain from my proven
Blueprint it is possible that you may make sales with Drop Shipping. But that is,
if someone that knows what they are doing shows you how!

If this sounds
like something

like to learn more about then read on...

Remember, this is just a very small sampling of what I discovered is possible with a
home based drop shipping business. The great thing is, you can work when
you want and for as many hours as you want. It's ALL up to you.

Does creating your own Drop Shipping Business sound to you like it is incredibly complex
and a lot to learn? Well, it is and it isn't...

What I mean by that is, if you can follow a
simple step-by-step blueprint, and you know about how avoid the mistakes
most people make, then you can build your own drop shipping
business from home.

Here's a quick overview of what is covered in my eBook:

There's a lot to know but don't worry...

If you know all the ins and outs of building a drop
shipping business and how to avoid the mistakes most new business
owners make, you can have your own profit making online store. But giving you just a few tips on how to build your online
store just isn't enough, is it? With that thought in mind...

Now wouldn't it be great...

If you could find
someone who could

That's where I come in...

I have been an Internet marketer for over 7 years now and I
absolutely l o v e it.

I strongly believe in this tip, whatever business you are in: always
learn from people who have proven that they know what they are talking
about. Ask yourself: “Did they prove that they know their stuff?” or
“How much money has he/she earned?  But first, ”Let me tell you first what I am not:

I can help you with getting your feet on the right path so your first
efforts with getting your new Drop Shipping Store online, sourcing new
products, listing them and understanding this whole drop shipping and eCommerce
Business thing can be -- a lot easier to understand and DO!

But first, let me be honest here...

I started with absolutely zero experience or knowledge and I am
living proof that with
enough determination and the right information, anyone can
make money online.

Here's A Rare
Opportunity To Tap Into The Mind Of An

Drop Shipper and Internet Marketer!

Want more proof of my income?

Now that we have that out of the way...

Let's get back to your new Drop Shipping and eCommerce Business

Here's a Peep of The
Chapters Inside
The Ultra Detailed

Drop Shipping

"Good Customer Service IS Crucial!"

"What Skills Do You Need?"

"Facts, Myths and Mistakes to Avoid" -
including 20 Drop Shipping Mistakes!

"What Niche?" - Niches, Demand, USPs and SWOT
and Repeat Sales

"Selecting Products To Sell" - Agents,
Brokers, Middlemen, Fees, Affiliates and Reviews of Drop Shipping
Websites, Buying Wholesale and Margins and Pricing

"Shipping, Returns and Back Orders" -
Controlling Returns and Back Orders

"Setting Up Your Shipping Account and
Selecting Products to Sell"

"Receiving and Processing Payments" - Merchant
Accounts vs.. Gateways

"eCommerce Software vs.. Shopping Carts"

"Hosting Selection and Setup" - Bandwidth,
Web Design, Setup, Speed

"eCommerce Website Store Templates" Free
Paid Store Templates 

"Rising Above The Competition" - SEO and
Content, On Page and Off Page SEO

"Analyse and Learn From Competition" - Site
Analysis and Backlink Quality

"Things You Must Do Before Sending Traffic" 
Website Testing Covered

"Get Traffic To Your Online Shop" - Free and
Paid Methods Covered

"eBay" - Using ebay to Sell, Seller Customer
Rating, Tips and Shipping Info

"Selling From Other Online Venues" - 9
Alternative Selling Websites

"How Much Does It All Cost?" Overview of
Store and Product Costs

"How Long Does It Take?" Overview of Time To
Source Products & Build Store

"You Must Keep A Record Of Everything"

You Get Everything
You Need To Know To Build It!

The difference with a brick and mortar business is that you
won’t need much money and you can be successful much
quicker because of the power of the Internet.

I know you’re probably very skeptical. I don’t blame you. I know
EXACTLY how you feel. I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours over the
last years creating the incredible and exacting details inside this
step-by-step Drop Shopping Blueprint.

I am giving you all the vast knowledge I have accumulated and I've built 16 eCommerce sites.
I'm about to share with you ...

My Incredible
Drop Shipping Discovery!

What I found when I used my Blueprint were TOTALLY AMAZING ways to make some high sales
with 'Drop Shipping and eCommerce' products.
For those of you who don't know, Drop Shipping and eCommerce products
are simply any type of product you can get from a wholesaler you can
list on your online store and keep a substantial amount of the
profits. The best thing.... you don't need to ship any goods but you DO
keep the profits. Pretty
cool huh?
But here's the thing...
Most people believe you have to pay big money for the 'right' to sell
these items. Not true. Sure some may have a small cost to set up reseller store, but you can get
a reseller store for FREE! More on that later inside the Blueprint.

But, Wait Here's The
Best Part...

You don't need a lot of time to get started. I was able to get started in my spare time without ANY previous
experience whatsoever!
And now I'll show you how YOU CAN TOO!
I'll take you by the hand and show you what works, why it works, and
give you the steps to copy my success with my own personal blueprint you
can use to build your own Drop Shipping and
eCommerce Business.
What's more, I'll show you how to get up and running so you can be
listing new products to sell in your store right away.

You can get started today...

It also makes no difference what your age, where you live in the
world, or what your educational background may be - I'm convinced anyone
can do this!

Since my initial success, I've perfected everything I learned...
fine tuned it, tested and retested it and right now I feel it's the most
straight forward Drop Shipping Blueprint you will ever come across!

Step By Step Blueprint
To Building

A Drop Shipping
Online Business...

With my simple and easy to follow instructions and down to earth
"tell-it-like-it-is" techniques and strategies you can get started immediately,
the EXACT same way I'm doing it today!

I've included every bit of powerful Drop Shipping and eCommerce knowledge you could ever need.
You'll quickly learn what to do and how to do it and why -- with nothing left to
chance. No second guessing what to
do next. No theories. No confusion about anything!
Here's just a small taste of what you'll discover...

Drop Shipping and eCommerce Explained In Detail: Get the scoop on Drop
Shipping and eCommerce. What they mean and the pros and cons of each -
everything is explained in detail and how to avoid common mistakes, pitfalls and
the myths.

Pin Point Strategies For Product Selection/Margins/Pricing: What you should know when choosing Drop
and eCommerce products for maximum sales volume and income!

New Product Sales Research Secrets Revealed: Find out what people are willing to pay
for and how to give them exactly what they want. Discover secrets for how to source in demand products
from reputable suppliers!

Customer Getting and Retaining 101: How to stir up an unstoppable flow of
buyers beating a path to your online store to buy your products!

The Power of Sales Persuasion: How to properly showcase your products to
help increase sales, reduce returns and help to boost your bottom line!

The Law of Percentages, Margins and Returns: What you can do to any Drop
Shipping and eCommerce
product to increase sales, cut your margins and significantly reduce returns!

Complete Step-by-Step Drop Shipping Blueprint: Follow along as I go from
having an idea for a store and a product to sell to getting your first sale.

New Methods For Selling On Multiple Stores: Innovative techniques and strategies available for building
higher sales numbers with products listed on multiple Drop Shipping and eCommerce

Big Drop Shipping and eCommerce Rolodex: I'll give you my own personal
list of where to find powerful free drop shipping tools and must have resources you can
use to help build your business fast.

And that's just a short list of what you will be getting!

I know, right about now you're probably wondering:
"If the Drop Shipping and eCommerce Blueprint is as good as you say it is, will you
me some sort of guarantee so I can judge for myself"?

You Love It Or I Buy It Back Guarantee!
Well, of course I will and here it is...

Quite honestly, I believe so
strongly that Drop Shipping and eCommerce Blueprint can help you build a more
solid financial base for your business. But if after you buy it and you're not
completely convinced,
I am giving you a 60 Day, 100% Risk Free No questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. Love it or
I'll buy it back no questions asked.

Build A Business For Yourself and Your Family...

Every day you get up early and leave
your family to go to work and all you are doing is helping your boss or the company you work for get rich.
So what do you get out of all that hard work you put in? A Just Over Broke
salary and a few weeks off if you're lucky. How fair is that?
Instead, if you had your own online business, it is possible you could become a
professional Drop Shipper and work from home and wake up when YOU decide to start your day!

Wouldn't you love to be able to:

Spend more time with family and

Stay home and make more money?

And have all this without screaming
bosses to put up with. No time clocks to punch. No fighting rush hour traffic.
No more making the "other guy" rich?

If you only read ONE Drop shipping
Book, this is it!

I'm No Genius, If I Can Do
This You Can Too!

Listen, I'm no genius. Just an
average, working class lady who wanted a lot more money and free time. When I
started my first drop ship store I had no
special skills or abilities to speak of.
What I do, can easily be learned and duplicated by anyone with the
ambition and desire to start living a better life and build their own business.
The bottom line is this...
Whether you've been struggling to find a way to earn some quick extra cash or
generate a job killing income with a lot more money in the bank - finally here's
a 100% legitimate and proven way to do it!

And if you follow what I am about to
teach you, it is possible you can be successful. But first don't take it from
me, here is...

"Christine, gosh, you did it AGAIN! The products you release are so
incredibly detailed. I didn't know much about drop shipping but after reading
your book, I am ready to get started."

"I bought your book From Newbie To Millionaire and
I am so impressed with the amount of information you give. This book is the
same: a sea of information. It is clear you practice what you teach!"

"You have left nothing out. I have built my first online
store and I am actually selling, thanks to your book! I am over the moon. Thanks
so much for such a brilliant guide you have produced.

"Simply bursting with information and practical
tips and trics. I love this ebook and will refer to it time and time again."

"You definitely OVER DELIVERED! This really is THE
guide I was looking for! Wow, what a book. A total bargain for the price you

Are You Ready To Get Started
Right Now?

With this Blueprint I am giving you, you
will get everything you need to learn how to build your own successful Drop Shipping Business.

So are you ready to put yourself and
your ability to learn and earn to the test?

Remember, if I can do it you most
likely can too! Because...

Skills + Action = Success!

You Don't Have To Pay Much

My Proven Drop
Shipping Business Blueprint!

After you "Click the Add To Cart Button",
and your order is processed,
you will receive the eBook. After ordering you can immediately
download the book
and be reading it in seconds on your computer. There is no shipping
charges, no waiting!
Even at 4AM in the morning you can order the book.

OK, Now Here's The Deal...

You want to get your own Drop Shipping Business or run your own profit making
online store, don't you? 

Sooner or later you're going to realise the
benefit of having a business coach to help you get your Online Store
off to a good start!

This proven blueprint will give you Drop Shipping / eCommerce Insider Knowledge!

You can be sure that if you use all the step-by-step directions you will be on your way to building
and getting online your own Drop Shipping eCommerce Store!

Soon you will be adding new products to your store faster than you ever thought possible!

I'm not going to say this is the perfect blueprint for you, because I want you
to make your mind up about it...

The very fact you've read this far means you know the value of
this proven blueprint.

Get the expert knowledge you need to turn your
dreams for your own online eCommerce store into reality!

I know you're ready to get started TODAY!

In minutes from now,
you'll have in your hands...

--  its my
'brain dump' with all my expert knowledge all laid out for you.

You get
it via instant download right to your computer... You can have this critical blueprint right at your finger tips!
You'll be thrilled as you start seeing NEW SALE NOTICES AND ORDERS land in your
inbox. Because... once you know the RIGHT way to create an online dropshipping
or eCommerce store from scratch, it won't be long before you start receiving
orders, if you build your online store the way I do!

Make sure you get this so you can prevent yourself from making many mistakes
that new Drop Shippers normally make.

Get ready to start listing products in your new online store for new customers -- who are
ready and willing to buy what you are

You now have a
fantastic opportunity to get your hands on this brand new Drop Ship and
eCommerce Blueprint which you can be reading just minutes from now.

And the sweet part is… Just so you know now you can save time, money and the
extra hassle of trying to find or figure all this out by yourself.

With my "Drop Shipping Blueprint you
can easily 'do it yourself' for less
than you would pay for just 1 HOUR of work from a professional eCommerce Store Developer!

Download the 'Blueprint' and get
the expert knowledge you need to 'do it yourself'!

As you flip through the pages you'll
be delighted with how quick and
easy it is to create new online stores once you follow the step-by-step

 I have left
nothing to chance, everything you need to know is covered.

With the expert knowledge you will receive today I promise you, if you use it...

You'll be able to build your own online store!

I'll show you
all my Drop Shipping and eCommerce store building tips that
only the expert Drop Shippers and
eCommerce marketers know!
These are unique and cutting edge
tips and my own private methods I use every day to build my own online stores.

Lock in your low one time price now!

You can't leave this page empty handed can you?

All you need to do to take advantage of my generosity and get the lifetime
included is click on the "Add to
Cart" button below.

Especially when you can make
back that investment from the first sales of your new online store!

Its great when you realise you've decided to by a quality product, isn't it?

Now is the time to take advantage of the low
introductory price when you
order today! 

Click the
button below and get started building new online stores right now!

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Yes, Give Me Instant Access To Drop Shipping and eCommerce!

I Want To Learn How To Build My Own Drop Shipping
and eCommerce Business!

After you "Click the Add To Cart Button",
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you will receive the eBook.
After ordering you can immediately download the book and
be reading it in seconds on your computer.
There is no shipping
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Even at 4AM in the morning you can order the book.

To Your New Drop Ship Business

After you "Click the Add To Cart Button",
and your order is processed,
you will receive the book. After ordering you can immediately
download the eBook and be reading it in seconds on your computer. There is no shipping
charges, no waiting!
Even at 4AM in the morning you can order the book.


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